1. What is the HPT Team Pulse?
The HPT Team Pulse is a brief (10 second) confidential survey that is emailed to HPT Team Pulse participants every Thursday morning. At the end of each month, a 'Team Pulse' scorecard is sent back to the team to drive conversations around wellbeing and performance. The HPT Team Pulse uses 4 simple questions to assess each of the 4 indicators of High Performance Teams (HPT) AND also measures Collective Team Efficacy (CTE).

2. How do Pulse Surveys Work?
Completing the HPT Team Pulse Survey is easy!
1. Every Thursday at 7am HPT Team Pulse will send your individual Pulse Survey to your nominated email address (please add admin@hptschools.com to your address book to ensure that you always receive your HPT Pulse Survey emails).
2. Once you receive your email click on the "Click here to answer the survey now" link. This will open your web browser to your individual HPT Team Pulse survey.

3. To answer the survey read each item and click the sliders to record your rating. It's best not to overthink your rating but rather go with your 'gut feel'. Once you've finished click the "submit" button at the lower left of the screen.
4. At the end of the month your team's HPT Team Pulse Report will be emailed to your team.
5. Instructions on debriefing your "Team Pulse" report are detailed here.

3. What do I need to do to set up the HPT Team Pulse?
Setting up the HPT Team Pulse is as easy as following these two steps:
3A. Build Your Team Lists
1. Build Your Team Lists - Provide us with an up-to-date team list that includes the name and email address of each participant as well as their position and team grouping (e.g., cohort team, faculty, administration, teacher aides, leadership). You can download the excel file here (see below example). For larger organisations, a full implementation flowchart guide is here.

3B. Complete A Team Pulse Onboarding Session
Onboarding Session Plan (PDF Version here)
Pre Session: Email links to 1 Page 'Getting Started' Factsheet (here) and short Introductory Video (here) along with your rationale (ie., ‘We are rolling out the Team Pulse program as part of our efforts to maximise Team Health across our organisation.’)
Onboarding Session Part 1. (15min) Watch Introductory Video as a team (here) which explains important information about how we manage individual privacy and how to debrief monthly team scorecards effectively (5min), then review FAQ together (here) (5min) and have a short discussion to ensure everyone is onboard (5min).
Onboarding Session Part 2. (Optional) (15min) Do a ‘walk through’ of the Team Debrief Protocol webpage (here) (5min) and practice one of the four possible 5-7min team debrief conversations (using the instructional video) with the team (10min).
4. What happens in Business as usual?

Once the program has begun your team will the below program schedule:
Tuesday: A short eToolbox article on workforce wellbeing is sent to read and discuss with colleagues.
Thursday: The HPT Team Pulse Survey is sent at 7am every Thursday.
Last Day of the Month: The team's combined pulse data is analysed and the group average is calculated and reported in the Monthly Team Scorecard (see example below).

5. How Does Team Pulse Improve Wider Organisational Performance?
A great feature of the Team Pulse System is the Executive Summary Report which is also sent out monthly and provides you a dashboard view of the Team Health and priority support areas for every team in your organisation. This enables you to determine the extent to which issues are either ‘organisation wide’ or ‘team specific’ - allowing you to target interventions more effectively. This leads to higher organisational performance and improved ROI.
More Questions?
Get in touch with us via: support@hptschools.com or HERE